Data publikacji : 2022-02-03

Laicyzm w nauczaniu Stefana Kardynała Wyszyńskiego


The article tackles the problem of laicism in the teaching
of cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, Primate of Poland. It should be
stressed that cardinal Wyszynski was very much alive to this
question. It occupied important place in his teaching throughout
all his service at the sees of Warsaw and Gniezno. Primate of
Millenium pointed to the long tradition of laicisation which had
been imposed upon the Poles (Kulturkampf during the partitions).
He underscored invalidity of such terms as „separation of
Church and state“ or „morality as a private affair“. According to
the Cardinal laicisation as policy motivated by ideological anticatholicism
led to very harmful consequences both in individual
and social dimension. At the turn of 1980 and 1981 Primate
Wyszynski taught that a real renewal of Poland, in terms of its
moral and social fabric, must be initated by the abandonment
of laicism.





Pobierz pliki


Zasady cytowania

Kucharczyk, G. (2022). Laicyzm w nauczaniu Stefana Kardynała Wyszyńskiego. Społeczeństwo, 152(4), 26–39. Pobrano z

Redakcja czasopisma
ul. Wspólna 25
00-519 Warszawa,

Fundacja „Civitas Christiana”
ul. Wspólna 25
00-519 Warszawa

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